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Kylie grabbed the door handle to keep herself frodoing withKylie&039;s gaze shot to the wonized her dad&039;s new assistant whoirl was in her third year of col ege

Stil leaning against the van, Kylie did the ured the girl to be about four years older than Kylie herself

And just like that, Kylie figured out a bunch of things Like how her father&039;s six pairs of underwear ended up being gril ed-how her mom&039;s countless cold-shoulder moments toward her dad suddenly added up to be fair justice

Realizing the couple had walked to where they ht spot her, Kylie moved to the other side of the van And the cold that fol owed her around the van told Kylie she wasn&039;t alone Yet, too ehost, Kylie concentrated on not barfing up the triple scoop of ice cream she&039;d just consumed

Holiday arrived shortly "You okay?"

"Great," Kylie lied, too eh her father had flirted with Holiday, but to see him with someone who probably stil treated her skin for acne, wel , it was just too much

On the way back to the camp, Kylie looked at Holiday "Do you knohat qualifies as justifiable hohed "But if I have to put up with Burnettof offing?"

"My parents" The vision of Kylie&039;s dad groping his assistant fil ed her head and her chest ached "Or maybe just my dad"

Kylie waited a few more minutes before she dropped the bomb "Do you thinkyou could hold off a fewhome?"

Holiday didn&039;t look at her, but Kylie saw the smile of victory in her profile as she continued to watch the road "You betcha"

Monday night, al hal to watch movies Kylie, Miranda, and Del a had stayed up way too late Sunday night nursing the wounds inflicted by their respective parents Then Kylie and Miranda went over the books Kylie had bought on dyslexia

"This won&039;t work," Miranda said, frustrated at just trying to read the first chapter

"What if I read it to you?" Kylie said

Miranda looked up at Kylie and her eyes went misty "You&039;d do that?"

"You&039;d do it for me, wouldn&039;t you?" Kylie asked

"In a snap," Miranda said

Hence, the two of the out to watch a movie, Kylie headed back to her cabin When she opened her cabin door, the smel hit her and she wrinkled her nose She obviously needed to clean the litter box Then Socks, the little bal of fur Lucas had given her as a farewel gift, stuck its head out from under the sofa and hissed

"Co it if the kitten didn&039;t go deeper under the sofa Her phone buzzed Kylie pul ed it out of her pocket, saw that it was her mom, and placed the phone on the coffee table and tried to coax the kitten out After several failed atteave up "Fine, sleep under the sofa" Frustrated and tired, Kylie started pul ing her shirt off over her head and went to get her PJs on

When she reached her dresser, she heel-kicked off her tennis shoes and pul ed out her favorite nightshirt Slipping off her bra, she dropped it on a chair Then and only then did she raise her eyes to the mirror

Her breath hitched It took herat in the reflection And another second to get friggin&039; mad

"Get out of here, you twerp!" She hurried and slipped on her night shirt before turning her ful fury on Perry, who had transfor up her whole bed

"Out!" Kylie seethed

The lion roared

Kylie grabbed her boobs beneath the nightshirt and raged, "You final y got a peek at your first set of boobs, didn&039;t you? You are soso pathetic And don&039;t you think for one minute that I won&039;t tel Miranda about this, either"

She reached down and picked up her shoe and threw it at the beast "Out!" The aniain "I swear to God, Perry, if you don&039;t sparkle your ass out of here, I&039;l pin both your ears behind your head and break your neck"

The roorees

"Don&039;t scream," a male voice said "And don&039;t ainst her ribs when she saw the soldier standing beside her night table It wasn&039;t so , it was that he&039;d spoken to her

She took in a deep breath A wisp of steam escaped her lips as she exhaled

Goose buht the chil"The lion isn&039;t real," she ed to say "It&039;s Perry He&039;s a shapeshifter"

The soldier wasn&039;t bleeding this ti on that dirty floor ca back Her heart ached for hi to her, would he tel her his na hiht He deserved more respect

"It is real, Kylie," he said as the lion roared again

She reached for her other shoe and hurled it at Perry

"Kylie, listen to rew louder, firmer "That isn&039;t Perry It&039;s real And it&039;s dangerous Don&039;t provoke it Move to the door Get out, now"

His words sank in and she stared harder at the lion

The lion as not sparkling back into human form

The lion who stood up and leapt from the bed