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It was a bright forenoon of February; a month in which the brief

severity of a Roin to show themselves in spots favored by the sun The sculptor caate of San Sebastiano, and walked briskly along

the Appian Way

For the space of a ate, this ancient and fareeable as most of the other Ro-stones, between brick and

plastered walls, which are very solidly constructed, and so high as

al country The houses are of

aspect, neither picturesque, nor ho on the wayside, but are

accessible only froh iron-grated s Here and there appears a dreary inn or a

wine-shop, designated by the withered bush beside the entrance, within

which you discern a stone-built and sepulchral interior, where guests

refresh theoats'-milk cheese, washed doine of dolorous acerbity

At frequent intervals along the roadside up-rises the ruin of an ancient

toh and broken

lomerated brick, stone, pebbles, and earth, all molten

by time into a mass as solid and indestructible as if each toranite When first erected, they were

cased externally, no doubt, with slabs of polished ht bas-reliefs, and all such suitable adornrand architectural designs This antique