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"None,his head;
"nevertheless, I bid you be of good cheer That young maiden is not
dooinfor her soul! Perhaps, when you next behold her, she
will be clad in the shining white robe of the true faith"
This latter suggestion did not convey all the comfort which the old
priest possibly intended by it; but he i, as the two best things that he could bestow,
and said nothing further, except to bid him farewell
When they had parted, however, the idea of Hilda's conversion to
Catholicis with it certain
reflections, that gave a new turn to his surmises about the mystery into
which she had vanished Not that he seriously apprehended--although
the superabundance of her religious sentiirl would permanently succumb to the
scarlet superstitions which surrounded her in Italy But the incident
of the confessional if known, as probably it was, to the eager
propagandists who prowl about for souls, as cats to catch a mouse--would
surely inspire theher over to