Page 191 (1/2)

"Say!" called Kells, gaily, "aren't you fellows going to eat first?"

Shouts of derision greeted his sally

"I'll eat gold-dust," added Budd

"Have it your oay, et the

scales down off of that shelfSay, I'll bet anybody I'll have

theat hiamble now?"

"Boss, I'll take thet bet"

"Ha! You won't look so bright by sundown"

Then followed a moment's silence, presently broken by a clink of

it wind of this big shipold?" asked

Jesse Smith

"I've had it spotted But Handy Oliver was the scout"

"We'll shore drink to Handy!" exclaimed one of the bandits

"An' as sendin' out this ships are marked all the same"

"It was a one-man shipment," replied Kells "Sent out by the boss


That na fire Her uncle,