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The weary, dusty cavalcade halted on the level bench before the
bandit's cabin Gulden boo In the wild exultation of triumph they still held
him as chief But Kells was not deceived He even passed by that
heavily laden, gold-weighted saddle He had eyes only for Joan
"Girl, I never was so glad to see any one!" he exclaimed in husky
amaze "How did it happen? I never--"
Jireat, Kells--that
idea of yours putting us in the stagecoach you lance "But it nearly was the end
of us You didn't catch up The gang didn't knoere inside, and
they shot the old stage full of holes"
"Aha! So that's it," replied Kells, slowly "But the h Jihed Cleve, as he dismounted
Suddenly Kells became aware of Joan's exhaustion and distress
"Joan, you're not hurt?" he asked in swift anxiety
"No, only played out"
"You look it Co, half leading her, took her into the cabin, and through the