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When she was somewhat recovered, she related what

she had seen, and her conversation with the Abate But madame was

lost in equal perplexity with herself, when she attempted to account

for themenace,

should he come secretly to visit the Abate, by whose connivance

alone he could have gained admission to the monastery? And what could

have influenced the Abate to such a conduct? These circuh equally inexplicable, united to confirm a fear of treachery and

surrender To escape froates were constantly guarded; and even was it possible to pass them,

certain detection awaited Julia without from the marquis's people, who

were stationed in the woods Thus encoer, she could

only await in thewith madame her unhappy fate, she was summoned

once more to attend the Abate At this moment her spirits entirely

forsook her; the crisis of her fate seemed arrived; for she did not

doubt that the Abate intended to surrender her to the otiated the terms of accommodation It was

some time before she could recover composure sufficient to obey the

summons; and when she did, every step that bore her towards the