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The marquis started involuntarily at this speech, and
his features underwent a sudden change, but he endeavoured to recover
himself, and to conceal his confusion He hesitated for a few moments,
uncertain how to act--to desist from violence was to confess himself
conscious of the threatened secret; yet he dreaded to inflame the
resentment of the Abate, whose th--'All that you have uttered,' said he, 'I despise
as the dastardly subterfuge ofYour new insults add
to the desire of recoveringyou I
would proceed to instant violence, but that would now be an ie I shall, therefore, withdraw her power Thus shall you be cohter and retract your scandalous i
this, the turned his horse fro
hi in conquest, and
Julia lost in astonishment and doubtful joy When she recounted to
madame the particulars of the conference, she dith eh her ahtened at every word, very well understood how the secret,
whatever it was, had been obtained The confessor of Vincent she had
already observed in the monastery, and there was no doubt that he had
disclosed whatever could be collected fro words of Vincent
She knew, also, that the secret would never be published, unless as a
punish one of the first
principles of ious secrecy upon all
matters entrusted to them in confession
When the first tumult of Julia's emotions subsided, the joy which the