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Madame, shocked by the stern indifference of this reply, was a moment
silent The Abate went on 'Whatever I shall deter lady has reason to rejoice that she is admitted into this holy
house; for I will even now venture to assure her, that if the marquis
fails to demand her, she shall be permitted to remain in this
sanctuary unence,
and of the value of the sacrifice Ia child froe her in disobedience,
and consequently sacrifice my sense of duty, to what may be justly
called a weak humanity'
Madame listened to ponation She made another effort to interest the Abate in favor
of Julia, but he preserved his stern inflexibility, and repeating that
he would deliberate upon the reat solemnity, and quitted the room
She now half repented of the confidence she had reposed in him, and of
the pity she had solicited, since he discovered athe first, and a temper inaccessible to the influence of
the latter With an heavy heart she returned to Julia, who read in her
countenance, at the moment she entered the room, news of no happy
import When madaed fro herself up for lost--she