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This incident occasioned Julia much alarm She could not but believe
that the men whom she had seen were spies of the marquis;--if so, her
asylu to apprehend Madaed it necessary to the safety of Julia, that the Abate
should be inforht
in his monastery, and also that he should be solicited to protect her
from parental tyranny This was a hazardous, but a necessary step, to
provide against the certain danger which hter of the Abate, be the first to
acquaint him with her story If she acted otherwise, she feared that
the Abate, in whose generosity she had not confided, and whose pity
she had not solicited, would, in the pride of his resentment, deliver
her up, and thus would she become a certain victim to the Duke de
Julia approved of this coh she trembled for the
event; and requested, therefore, madame solicited a private audience
of the Abate; she obtained per anxiety, watched her to the door of his apart, and every moment seemed an hour to Julia, who, in
fearful expectation, awaited with Cornelia the sentence which would
decide her destiny She was now the constant co health interested her pity, and strengthened her