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Page 163 (1/2)

What have you been doing, wo

for fifty times' 'Oh Jere!' Reminded of her former achievement in that way, Mr Flintwinch held the

candle to her head, as if he had so her up for the

illumination of the kitchen

'Don't you know it's her tea-ti one of the legs of Mistress Affery's chair a kick

'Jereot such a

dreadful turn, Jere, that I think it

h! Sleepy-Head!' said Mr Flintwinch, 'what are you talking about?'

'Such a strange noise, Jeremiah, and such a curious movement In the

kitchen here--just here' Jere, held

down his light and looked at the daht and looked about at the spotted and blotched walls

'Rats, cats, water, drains,' said Jereatived each with a shake of her head 'No, Jeremiah;

I have felt it before I have felt it up-stairs, and once on the