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'I do not' Mr Flintwinch, having expelled a long significant breath said, with his
former emphasis, 'For I have accidentally--mind!--found out'
'Wherever she lives,' said Mrs Clenna her words as distinctly as if she were reading
them off from separate bits of metal that she took up one by one, 'she
has made a secret of it, and she shall always keep her secret from me'
'After all, perhaps you would rather not have known the fact, any how?'
said Jeremiah; and he said it with a twist, as if his words had come out
of him in his ory shape 'Flintwinch,' said his y that oad me? Look round this
roo confinement within these
narrow li afflicted; you know I never
co confinement
to this rooe I as that I rudge e it to you,' returned Jeremiah