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He shrank before her fury, all conceit and audacity fled, and words failed him Not even yet could he believe it true, but she permitted no recovery

"You think I lie You think I threaten, but dare not act You think me a soft-hearted fool because I listened to your words of love By the gods! you shall learn better I have heard love words before; none ever spoke the the price of deceit Mon Dieu! and shall you escape? I can hate as well as love; strike as well as caress So you played with me, Monsieur? used me to pass a dull hour in the wilderness? Sacre! 't is now et who I ahter of the Sun, Queen of the Natchez Look down! there are hands waiting to rend at irl-face for their blood-lust Seek to stop et the expression on De Noyan's face as he listened Incredulity changed to loathing, then to despair As though the woazed now upon the demon soul revealed in all its hideousness Instantly all that was physically beautiful became loathsome from the foulness within He endeavored to speak, to protest, but all his recklessness had deserted hi priests, thinking themselves cheated of their victied thehed

"So your nerve fails, Monsieur," she sneered coldly "'Tis well it does, for you need expect no mercy from me I also hate the French"

She turned from his The glare of a hundred torches reflected on her face, and her lips spoke one word of stern co, every form became motionless, the silence so sudden it was painful The woman stood above them, dominant; every eye was fastened upon her; the priests were prostrate on the stair I saw De Noyan leaning forward, his teeth clinched, his face death-like Froaze wandered; once she looked into his eyes, then down again upon the le sentence leaped froical I scarcely realized the transformation, so rapidly was it accomplished Confusion filled the cha driven toward the altar, her white face full of pleading, her hands, now freed, clasping her rosary De Noyan e he leaped recklessly forward, hurled aside the scarlet figure, and, uttering an oath, sprang on the parapet