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She took her own tie, her thin lips curling in contelance yet upon the startled Chevalier Laying her hand upon his sleeve, she said in French: "You hear the wolves howl, Monsieur? They areinto her expressionless face, then down upon the surgingelse," he replied, striving to pretend indifference, yet with a falter in his voice "You pledged us safety if ould accoed you safety, Monsieur," she corrected haughtily "I gave no word of proed I supposed then we had enough of victims to appease even such blood-lust as yelps yonder"
"You mean the preacher and Benteen?"
"Ay; they would suffice, with plenty of slaves for good measure But now, only two remain fros break away even from my control, and lut their desire, yet I aof wild beasts?"
"You would sacrifice ive me to the knife and fire? Mon Dieu! is this the end of all your vows?"
She s
"I did not say you," tauntingly "There is another here"
He dreay fro
"Eloise! Mon Dieu! not Eloise?"
"And if not Eloise, what then, Monsieur?" The low voice hardened, beco oddly metallic "The wolves cry for blood--French blood Is it your wish to die together? Pardi! if it be between you two, am I to have no choice which one I deliver? Why should you shrink back like a baby at first sight of blood? I thought you a soldier, a er? did you not swear it with your lips toat her with eyes full of unbelief, the hideous uproar clanging about theer
"Yet you do! Mon Dieu, you do!" she panted, the tiger within breaking loose "Your words were a lie! Here, look ather arms, the white flesh of her boso of her drapery "A prayer and fingering rosary? A loved? Am I the kind you think to play with? God's mercy! I am minded to throw you both to the beasts No, no, not that; you dare not front me! I hed ly "Bah! I know your sort, Monsieur--'tis as the wind blows; you love to-day, and forget to---I have no use for her I care no longer how the wolves tear her dainty lieance and found it sweet"