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Sylas moves back and wipes his blood-stained lips with the sleeve of his shirt "Is he a friend of yours?"
"He’s from The Colony" I lean over Tristan "You didn’t kill hiets a devious look and walks behind me "Would it upset you if I did?" He sweeps my hair to the side and my head rolls back as a blanket of warmth caresses my skin "Tell me Kayla, is he one of your ad us "And would you stoparound with my emotions" I bend over Tristan and study his state "He shouldn’t be here He’s just a Colony member"
Sylas crouches beside me "He’s not a Bellator then?"
I shakefor weapons "At least not when I left The Colony he wasn’t But he’s different now--stronger and angrier"
"Sounds like an ilare at hirin
He scratches his head "What are the Highers up to?"
I hear a rustle and spin withhis head, Sylas stands "Not that I know of The only reason I came up here was to check on you"
I stare at the dark, empty hall "So it’s only hilances over his shoulder to the hallway "He seeain, why? I otten about me And he didn’t act like he kneho I was" I pause "And how did he even get in here?"
Sylas’ thinking face for as he nibbles at his bottom lip "He must have followed us in here"
"But I would have noticed--I would have heard his heart" But I can’t hear his heart now "Did you really kill hi a heartbeat"
Sylas folds his arms and taps his lips "I don’t think I killed him In fact, I’m about ninety percent sure I didn’t" He takes note of Tristan’s pale state and the blood streahty percent"
I rub my temples "Hoe know for sure if he’s alive or not?"
Sylas looood"
"Are you one-hundred percent sure this time?"
He presses back a smirk "Maybe ninety-nine"
"What do we do with him?" I search the dark room for a solution and coht and the fires flaht and then Tristan shows up--it can’t be just a coincidence
"We could chain hi his ar city "That always see the multiple times I’ve been chained to the wall "I don’t know"
"What’s a es me with his shoulder "Do you feel sorry for him?"
I take in Tristan’s features, his cropped blonde hair, and the blue eyes that are hidden below his eyelids "I’m not sure what I feel for him--I never have"
"Then I’ll make the decision for you" Sylas picks up Tristan and throws hihness Tristan’s head thuainst Sylas’ shoulder
"Are you sure you don’t remember him from The Colony?" I ask suspiciously
Sylas’ dark eyes linger on o, and can barely remember anyone Why does it matter anyway?"
"Because, if you knew him, you’d know he’s not a bad person," I explain and Sylas raises his eyebrows, his gaze settling on ers trace the tender spot where Tristan slapped me "Well, he used to be a nice person… a little brainwashed, but nice enough"
"And you used to be inhu, but now look at you"
I tip my head at Tristan’s upside down face "Yeah, but Tristan was so… "
"So what?" Sylas shifts Tristan’s weight "Perfect, right? Just like every other Colony ht to sit on What defines perfect? If everyone’s the same then how can someone be considered perfect when there's no imperfection to compare them to?"
"That’s deep," I say "Did you co it on a memory you won’t share with hers seek perfection You’ve lived in The Colony But that little knowledge I cas out ofto bite me Does that mean he’s a Day Taker?"
Sylas shakes his head and glances at Tristan "He doesn’t feel the same as a Day Taker, but I don’t think he’s huet him chained up"
We leave the room Unexpectedly, Sylas heads for the roof He weaves up the staircase and pushes out the steel door