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The room is the size of a closet The walls are lined with shelves that have vials of h the dark until I spot a cluster of clear ones on the top shelf Planting rab a vial and a syringe Then I quickly slip out of the storage area The door’s condition is hopeless--they’re going to know someone’s been inside But I’ll worry about that when the time comes

I hurry down the stairs, into ainst the door so no one can get in while I’m under I shuffle over to the e yellowish-brown stain on the ceiling It’s the last thing I see when I sink the minte into ed under, picturing only Aiden and his death

"I don’t understand" I stand in the s in histhis?"

Monarch shakes his head and faces ain… too many questions Always toothe soto die--that he was a lost cause" I step in front of hi my head to meet his eyes "How can I not ask questions about that?"

"You’re never supposed to ask questions" He sighs "You can’t ask theht"

"And ill that be?"

He brushes by and heads to a hospital bed where an unconscious Colonyh"

I catch his ar to die"

His voice trembles, "Because I messed up when I created hies his mind about his existence, he won’t survive"

"When does he die?" I choke My hand and heart are shaking in rhythm "When will he die?"

He ss hard "Soon, unless you change his mind about life and death"

I want to cry I want to screaht were possible My jaw’s hanging open, e his mind then I won’t let him die" I head for the door, but he hurries in front of me

"Not today, Kayla That project is on hold" Monarch’s worry shifts to sympathy "I’m sorry Kayla But to save the world, sacrifices have to be made The world must come first" Then he et your chance"

I flinginto th

"I’izes and the needle immerses into my forearm

The medicine burns my veins, my body, every part of

Chapter 4

"Kayla," someone whispers "Kayla, wake up"

My muscles spasms as I start to revive My body feels like I’ve taken a beating from a vampire and my heart is about to pound out of rowls "I can’t believe you did this"

I’m not sure how to react to the panic in his tone, but I suth to push ht of a lanternthem smolder like e ; he just helpsuncontrollably and I don’t knohat to do

"Calently releases my neck, takes my hand in his, and turns it over Scratches ooze blood "That was a really s to do," he says sarcastically

I re on I need to knohat I’aze penetrates intoThere’s so from me" He leans onto his elbows and hovers over me "If you’d just tell ether and s froht be in trouble"

"In trouble?" he questions "Because there are tons of ways I can think of, starting with the fact that he’s hu" The truth fumbles from my lips

Sylas stares as ," he says, all of the e from his face "He’s human and all humans die sonoring the dizziness and the acceleration ofclose, invadingto do "Then what do you mean, Kayla I’m not a mind reader, so you’ll have to just spit it out"

"What I saw… Monarch said heinto die because of it Unless I change his mind"