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I would write a respectable letter, but it's teatiuest approaches
PS Don't you know some one ould like to adopt a desirable baby
boy with seventeen nice new teeth?
April 20 My dear Judy:
One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns! We've had a Good Friday
present of ten dozen, given by Mrs De Peyster Lalass- soul whoo (Who
says now that teas are a silly waste of time?) She askeda noble work and would be
rewarded I saw buns in her eye, and sat down and talked to her for half
an hour
Now I shall go and thank her in person, and tell her with a great deal
of affecting detail how much those buns were appreciated bythe account of how precious little Punch threw
his bun at Miss Snaith and plastered her neatly in the eye I think,
with encouragement, Mrs De Peyster Larowing into the ar! My family don't dare
to visit me, because I demand BAKSHISH in such a brazenlist unless he shipped