Page 40 (1/2)
Did you know all that? It's very necessary information for a politician
to have Get the book and read it, please; I'd send my copy only that
it's borrowed
It's also very necessary information for me to have There are eleven of
these chicks that I suspect a bit, and I a for a month to introduce one or two basic ideas into
that child's brain, and now I knohat the trouble is: her head is
filled with a sort of soft cheesy substance instead of brain
I came up here to make over this asylum in such little details as fresh
air and food and clothes and sunshine, but, heavens! you can see what
probleot to make over society first, so that it
won't send me sub-normal children to ith Excuse all this
excited conversation; but I've just met up with the subject of
feeble- It is your
business as a legislator to make laws that will remove it froe,
Sup't John Grier Home
Dear Man of Science: