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Page 204 (1/2)

He kissed her ht, MY dear!'

But her gentle breast had been so deeply wounded by what she had seen of

hi to leave hiain 'Father, dear, I am not tired; let me come back

presently, when you are in bed, and sit by you' He asked her, with an air of protection, if she felt solitary? 'Yes, father' 'Then come back by all means, my love'

'I shall be very quiet, father' 'Don't think ofher his kind permission

fully 'Co when she returned, and she put the low fire

together very softly lest she should awake him But he overheard her,

and called out as that? 'Only Amy, father' 'Amy, my child, come here I want to say a word to you' He raised

himself a little in his low bed, as she kneeled beside it to bring her

face near him; and put his hand between hers O! Both the private father

and the Father of the Marshalsea were strong within him then 'My love, you have had a life of hardship here No companions, no

recreations, many cares I am afraid?' 'Don't think of that, dear I never do'

'You know my position, Amy I have not been able to do much for you; but

all I have been able to do, I have done'