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Thus, now boasting, now despairing, in either fit a captive with the
jail-rot upon hirain of
his soul, he revealed his degenerate state to his affectionate child
No one else ever beheld him in the details of his hu in their rooe, what a serious picture they had in their obscure
gallery of the Marshalsea that Sunday night
There was a classical daughter once--perhaps--who ministered to her
father in his prison as her h of the unheroicher father's wasted heart upon her innocent breast, and
turning to it a fountain of love and fidelity that never ran dry or
waned through all his years of faiveness if she had been, or
seemed to have been, undutiful; told him, Heaven knows truly, that she
could not honour him more if he were the favourite of Fortune and the
whole world acknowledged him When his tears were dried, and he sobbed
in his weakness no longer, and was free fro, she prepared the re by his side, rejoiced to see him eat and drink For
now he sat in his black velvet cap and old grey gown, ain;
and would have coht have