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"Insatiable wanton"

Heat rushed to my loins and I felt the moisture flow in ether "Robbie," I whispered "I need you You have not touchedmy mouth, then my throat I quivered with desire for hi Ifro a small space between us I tried to breathe ainst my stays He waited for me to colared at hie upon conditions," he said

I stared at him, vacuous and stupid "Conditions?" I said


"What conditions?" I said, dread crawling over o away fro, derisive note was back in his voice

"Go away fro?" I said faintly "Go where?"

"Ach, it ain "Perhaps we shall go to live at Gillean!"

I raisedit until I gasped, then tossed my hand back at me

"Have we not told you that you cannot always have exactly what you want, Jessie?"

he said softly, and his eyes held mine "My uncle and aunt wish to keep up appearances, of course! My uncle is an important man in this district! Would you shame him and my aunt, and my cousin?"

The vision of Cathy with her son at her breast sprang into o?" I whispered "Tellthe McDonald clan," he said "My uncle has said that we may return when two years have passed Only then "

"Two years?" I whispered My vision began to cloud again; I could not breathe for the restricting stays Robbie took asped

"Do not faint," he said through his teeth "Do not"