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I curtsied "Goodnight, madam, sir," I said I trailed up the stairs in Robbie's wake; though he had already disappeared I felt as though the atmosphere of the house held his essence, and I wanted to follow it to hio

Should I go to his room? Or would he come to mine?

I went into Cathy's room, and Rabbit came to help me undress My back and shoulders were alain She pulled one of Cathy's old shifts over o I sat by the , looking out into the darkness The dinner and the wine I had taken grew restless in me I ran to the slop bucket and retched into it I wished for Rabbit but was too ill to ring for her I lay on the floor, ht alone

The next day, I dressed and came downstairs for dinner Robbie was not there; I asked after him

"He is on an errand; he will return soon," said Mr Randall I was distraught, not understanding; but I hidbut only sipped water and a little wine, I went out onto the porch to sit in a swing

Robbie ca him come closer caused my heart to race, my breaths to quicken I was al on both feet and throwing the reins to Pete He leapt up the steps and cahed

I felt heat rise in er swollen so it did not hurt thened me

"Where have you been?" I deht? You have humiliated me"

"My dear, you must have more time to recover froal duties," he said, laughing at rew hotter than ever So e the way he tormented me

"Oh!" I said "Ho could you, Robbie! I was so lonely for you! I have not seen you alone for days!"

He sat besideclose to whisper into my ear "Wanton," he said