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"Youfrom Gillean in this condition"

"I walked," I said "I was afraid to take a horse"

He stared at me "You walked!"

"I could not stay there anotherto take ive your child away!" I broke into sobs again

"You walked here?" he said again "From Gillean?"

"Yes, Robbie, I walked here! Fro that I have said to you? I love you! I would walk from here to Charles Town for you! From here to-to New York! I would swi as ers touched the mark on my face

"Oh, lass, lass," he said, and his voice broke "Oh, Jessie" He knelt besidehis hair, drawing his head to my breast "I love you, Robbie," I said "I have always loved you I shall always love you"

He sat for a little while, his head bowed against ot to his feet "You must lie down," he said "You must rest" He went to the bed and turned down the coverlet, and came back to me "Come Do you wish me to carry you?" He held out his hand

"No, I don't believe you can carry me now," I said "I do not want to be touched very much"

"No, certainly not, indeed," he said, and walked withthe center of the bed, and he drew the sheet over ht was pleasantly cool I drew a deep breath into hed

Robbie walked around to the other side of the bed and lay doith ain, and closed th; "I am so very, very sorry"

I smiled "You need not feel sorry," I said "I will ers "Yes," he said After another long pause, he said, "Sleep now, Jessie"

I opened my eyes "Please, do not leave me, Robbie!"

"I will not leave you, lass I will stay with you while you sleep"