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"Tell me what happened, lass," he said

"My mother beat me when she learned of my condition," I said

"How did she learn of it?" he said

"She had Nurse examine me," I said andinsides to be still "My maid Lily spied on me She told my mother ofshe spied on me at Grant's Hill She knew that I did not bleed My mother made Nurse examine me"

I saw his throat ain "Are you hurt elsewhere?" he asked, looking at the welt on my face

"Yes," I said "Let Rabbit help me to undress, and you shall see"

"Yes" He sat besidehe would kisselse until Rabbit and Polo returned with a pitcher and basin Robbie stood and walked toward the door

"If you speak of this, I will have you both whipped," he said to them in a low voice

"Sir," Rabbit said "I keep quiet"

"No sir," said Polo, "No sir, Master Robbie I not say nothing"

Robbie went out of the room, and Polo followed

Rabbit led me closer to the here a candle was not needed, and took off asp as it came away from my arms "Miss Jessie!"

"There is more," I said

By the ti back tears I wished she would stop I pushed the chemise to my waist so she could bathe my shoulders and back, and did my best not to flinch as she applied the ointment She did notthe ones on athered it in the front with my hand "Thank you, Rabbit Please tell Mr Robbie that he may come in"

He walked slowly toward er I let go the linen and it fell off one of ht shined onto ; then he pulled the cheently to cover my shoulder I felt his breath on my neck as he kissed me behind my ear-the only place not red and raised-and then took my hand and led me back to the chair