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Theroom with my mother I worked on e, but still causing my neck to ache I could not eat at dinner time; thankfully, no one noticed After dinner, my mother went to her room to rest as she did every day; I waited until I was sure she was undressed and settled, and then I took a hat and left the house for the stable

I had not changed into a riding habit, but that was not unusual; I hardly ever did for rides unless I was going visiting I wore the saoore every day for housework, and rooalloped away between the fields

It was easy for me to be alone on Gillean Six hundred acres forplantations; Brianag joined us to the north I skirted the fields and when out of sight of the house, started along the road,that soon I would see Robbie My breath cahts raced

What should I do when I saw hiht away: "Robbie, I love you, I have always loved you; please take me now"? Or should I be more subtle, more devious?

I saw him before he saw me; my heart raced unbearably, and the horse shied beneath me, and all at once I knehat to do I reined the horse in quickly, and she reared

I soothed her for a e of the road, where the new grass grew lushly, and let the reins dangle She began iht of the road, and crouched down under a rowing closer I pulled own up over led askew ata little I heard the horse slow and stop, and Robbie's voice speak quickly, an ejaculation of surprise or alarm Then my heart leapt as he called my name

"Jessie!" I heard hiround "Jessie!

Are you here, lass?"

Iquickly toward rasses Then I felt hiainst his knee