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"Oh, I do! I do!" I whispered

Kevin sighed "What a child you are!" He drew ain "You believe that you can siiven to you"

"Oh, what nonsense," I said

"Our ed you entirely to excess," my brother said "You believe that you can have whatever you want, whenever you want! And why should you not? You are the princess of Gillean! Adored by all! Carefree and thoughtless and happy! Why would you not believe it to be so?" I tried to raise own, nor a bauble, nor a pony! He is a man, and he is free to do as he will I assure you, Jessie, he will never settle doith a wife, at least not for many a year to come"

"You do not know You cannot know hisin me

"You speak truly, indeed; do you believe that you know Robbie's rown, now! There are times e must do e do not wish to do! Tiations that must be met! Do you think that our brother Sean really wanted toour home behind-all his family, his friends, his love?"

"H-his love?" I said, and retted speaking "Yes, Jessie; there was someone he loved and who did not love hie our father's estate, but to escape the pain of that loss as well If you were not so blinded by your own desires, perhaps you would have had an inkling of this"

"Oh!" My eyes filled again, and I leaned into his chest onceof Sean, alone in Savannah We ; how lonely he ain "I shall marry Robbie," I said, and heard the stubbornness in my voice "I shall make him see that I love him truly, and he will love me"

"Never, Jessie, never will Robbie ever-"

"I shall ain "I have never really tried, only wished and hopedbut now I shall work for his love" I stood up "Good night, Kevin"