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Spring, 1766

In the quiet of the evening, when everyone at Gillean had gone to bed, I paced the floor offor ht was chilly and the ere closed; I looked through the glass every fewup the driveway I opened theto listen for the sound of his horse's feet, then drew it closed again At last I heard hi a shawl about my shoulders, I crept from my room and down the stairs I softly opened the front door and slipped out onto the porch, closing it silently behindled away He saw me as he started up the steps

"Jessie!" he said "What on earth are you doing out of bed, bairn? You'll catch your death!"

"I'htly "I must speak with you, Kevin"

He held out his hand tohtdress "What is it, lass?"

"Kevin," I said, and felt for a rew until it became a knot in my middle, and Kevin drew ainst his shoulder

"Lass, what is it?" he said again "Is ouryou?"

"Oh, no! I mean to say-not more than ever Kevin, I must know-do you thinkcould Robbie Stewart love me?"

I felt his quick intake of breath; then his hand stroked my hair "Oh, lass, lass," he said "Do not let yourself love Robbie, I entreat you He is not for you"

I pushed myself away from him "Why? Why do you say so?" I whispered passionately, afraid our parents would awaken "Why can he not be forkind, Jessie He loves horses and gairls-too many to settle doith just one! Please, heed me in this I do not wish to see my little sister with a broken heart"

"It is too late, if Robbie will not have me My heart shall be broken, for I love him with all of it," I said, and tears filled my eyes

"Desist, Jessie You do not knohat you are saying"