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K Mary Roberts Rinehart 6800K 2023-09-01

He could have killed himself for the words the moment they were spoken

"They were at a road-house?"

"It is not just to judge anyone before you hear the story"

She stirred restlessly

"What tio on duty"

He was glad to be stern with her He forbade her rising When the nurse

ca an arbitrary ruling,

and Sidney looking up at hio on duty to-day She is to stay in bed until

further orders"

"Very well, Dr Edwardes"

The confusion in Sidney's mind cleared away suddenly K was Dr Edwardes!

It was K who had performed the miracle operation--K who had dared and

perhaps won! Dear K, with his steady eyes and his long surgeon's fingers!

Then, because she seemed to see ahead as well as back into the past in that

flash that co from shock, and

because she knew that now the little house would no longer be home to K,