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K Mary Roberts Rinehart 6130K 2023-09-01

Thehad happened to K

that savored of the ly, with a rush, but with all humility He had been loath to take up

the burden; but, now that he had it, he breathed a sort of inarticulate

prayer to be able to carry it

And, sinceof tin Not, of course, that he put it that way, or that he was

ot well, he'd

keep on working He'd feel that, perhaps, after all, this was meant If

Wilson died--Sidney held out her hand to him

"What should I do without you, K?" she asked wistfully

"All you have to do is to want me"

His voice was not too steady, and he took her pulse in a most businesslike

way to distract her attention fros you know! You are quite professional about pulses"

Even then he did not tell her He was not sure, to be frank, that she'd be

interested Noith Wilson as he as no tih for that

"Will you drink sory I will, of course"

"And--will you try to sleep?"