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Tiht fro it over the table, she searched for the rental ads After circling as many likely possibilities as she could find, she started calling

Twenty roaned in frustration as she crossed off the fifth ad in a row No pets Someone in this community must allow pets

She needed a break Tiainst her body She stood for severalunder the jets of water She lathered her hair, enjoying the floral scent of her sha penetrated her consciousness

So an expletive that would have gotten her mouth washed out with soap as a child, she stepped out of the shower She grabbed a bath towel and wrapped herself in it Rushing to the door, she cursed Grant’s lousy ti, and Zoe frowned “Hold on I’ll be there in aso ione anywhere Her truck was still outside Flinging open the door, she said, “Jeesh You didn’t need to pound the door down I was in the sho…”

Her words trailed off when she realized that it was not Grant standing on the doorstep, but Tyler

“Zoe, alad you are here I need your help”

Apparently oblivious to her state of undress, he shouldered past her into the kitchen “Jenny isn’t speaking to ot to fix it” He sat down heavily in one of the kitchen chairs and dropped his head into his hands “I don’t knohat I’ll do if she breaks up withthe towel around her “I’ll get dressed and then we’ll talk”

His head caot to help me, Zoe Jenny’s one of your friends and you introduced us”

And that made her responsible for the health of their relationship? Evidently to Tyler it did She sighed Seeing Tyler’s tough-guy-in-leather persona dropped cos

She edged one more step toward the hall “I’ll help you Don’t worry Just let et dressed”

Tyler nodded “Is that coffee I sht”

“Sure, the s are in the cupboard to the left of the sink Help yourself”

“Thanks” He stood up and took a step, then stopped in theshoulders started to shake “I really love her”

Zoe’s heart ed Tyler back into his chair Patting his shoulder, she said, “I know It’s going to be all right She cares about you too”