Page 30 (1/2)
She nodded, clearly ready to do just that
He stopped at the door “I could take you I need to go into town toize to Carlene anyway”
She pondered the question a lot longer than he’d expected He wanted to de to decide if she wanted his couess that would be okay If you are sure you want to”
Stung by her lackluster attitude toward spending time with him, his response came out more sharply than he’d intended “Don’t sound so happy to have my company”
She smiled sleepily at hiht What else would explain his current badWhat time do you want me to pick you up?”
She looked at the clock on the VCR and then back at hi to coot out of bed He wished he had not said anything Her oversized sleepshirt draped off nipples that had hardened when she’d slipped out fro his eyes away froainst the stretchy fabric
His hand itched to reach out and brush first one and then the other Then he would cup the fullness around them and caress it until she moaned like she had on his couch and rubbed her delectable body against his He would then slide his hands down to caress the sertips glide under to touch the fleshy curve of her behind His breathing grew ragged and he felt his penis pressing against the buttons of his fly
He shifted his unfocused gaze to her face and tried tohis vision “Huh?”
“Are you okay?”
The genuine concern in her voice snapped hi? He took a deep breath and let it out slowly “Yeah Just tired, I guess”
She cocked her head to one side and looked at him “Are you sure?”
He kept his eyes firmly on her face “Yeah”