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"They can do whatever they want," Canavan overnue that Cameron’s attempted murder falls under the purview of the State Department," I say "Prince Rashid’s room isn’t anywhere near the student center And they can’t knohy soured out, like we did, that Jasuy who’s got connections with the US State Departar hanging froot connections with the Mob
"What did Cameron say he sahen you questioned him?" I ask
"Didn’t you hear what I said?" Canavan sounds annoyed "That kid’s not going to be talking for a led hiot him so doped up on painkillers, you could ask hireen and he’d write yes! on the dry-erase board they’ve given hi useful out of that kid for days"
"Well, what about the security guard?" I ask "Did the security guard see anyone fleeing the pre the premises?" Detective Canavan echoes sarcastically "Have you been watching Castle again?"
"It’s a reasonable question," I say "And Castle’s a very good show"
"When Security Officer Wynona Perez--it was a feuard--exited the elevator to the student center’s fourth floor," Detective Turner says, reading from notes he’d evidently taken on his iPhone, "she found the door to the New York College Express ajar, and the victied from his desk chair by his headphones, the cord to which had been wrapped around his neck twice and tightened until he lost consciousness The offices of the Express had been ransacked, pizza boxes and empty soda containers thrown across every surface--"
"Uh," I interrupt "The offices weren’t ransacked That’s how they looked when I was there Cameron’s a studentand a writer That’s horiters are" Private eyes are too, but I don’t feel that adation
"Oh," Turner says, looking dubious, and continues, "So Perez unloosened the cord and perforency services via radio, which responded to the student center approximately five minutes later, three forty-five today--"
"Turner," Canavan interrupts in a bored voice "What have I told you about using that thing for note taking? What are you going to do when there’s a real eency in this city and you can’t access any of your data because your wireless service has crashed because it exceeded its bandwidth?"
Turner looks confused "That can happen?"
Canavan digs his notepad froonna exceed its bandwidth? Paper And what have I told you about sharing incident reports with suspects?"
"Not to," Turner says shaasp "Suspect? You think I tried to kill that boy? I thought you said you came by to pick ht you said you were here to protect"That, and because you’re one of only two people caught on the hallway securityinto that kid’s office today, besides hihi the other person," Canavan admits "Due to the fact that the security tapes are not in our possession"
"What do you mean, the security tapes aren’t in your possession? Who possesses thee security office about a half hour ago by soin to fume "He’s with the--"
"--State Depart withthe leak," I say, then chew my bottom lip nervously I’d chew on et h el nails that will look almost completely natural
Surely, I tell myself, it isn’tabout so me into the offices of the Express I hadn’t seen anyone I’d recognizedexcept, of course, Haoing into Fischer Hall shortly before I hadunless, of course, he’d doubled back and attempted to kill Cameron
If Hah in assassination techniques to have stuck around to make sure he finished the job?
Except who else could have reason not only to suffocate Jasmine, but attee’s daily news blog?
One of the first principles of crie (if I ever get through allclasses in my major)--is that crimes are coreed) is a er, jealousy, lust, or love, is also way up there, along with a desire to cover up another criood detective always asks herself one question:
"Who benefits?" I ask, a littlefrooes for you too, Wells, as well as Turner here Can’t you see I’? Why I haven’t put in for retire a nice juicy steak in ht now if it weren’t for you two yahoos"
"I’m serious," I say Detective Canavan loves his job, and he knows it, even if training newbies and "rescuing" the girlfriends of private eyes aren’t his favorite things to do "We’ve failed to ask ourselves the crucial question of criation: who benefits froht?"