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"Sorry, Sarge," Turner mumbles

"I’m not entirely sure what that was about," I admit "It could have been si h, that I had the situation corunt that he soes to fill with skepticism

"I did," I insist

"Sure you did, Wells"

"Whatever," I say "So how did you happen to co by? It seems a little coincidental"

"It wasn’t Your boyfriend, Cartwright, calledto hear froo check on you, since you were probably in trouble Given that we at the New York City Police Depart better to do all day but juhtailed it over here to save your ass, as I aular basis And what do I find, but that you are, indeed, in trouble You, Wells, are e in the force like to call a shitkicker If there’s any shit around, I always see it"

I’nation over Detective Canavan calling Cooper a two-bit private eye,in the first place

Although the overwhel is waves of love toward Cooper for having done such a dopey,like call in the cavalry to come rescue me when he himself couldn’t be there to do the job I fish in my purse for my cell phone, pull it out, discover that I’ve left it turned off all afternoon, turn it back on, and text Cooper:

So you called Canavan to coer sandhen you get ho

I push send before I reer sandwich is (sexually)

"First of all," I say to Canavan, fro out forfor you," Canavan’s seely irrepressible trainee interrupts "We almost had another body on our hands"

"Turner," Canavan says, in a warning tone

"Oh, co to kill me The prince wouldn’t have allowed it I don’t think so, anyway And besides, I was ready to give that guy my patented Heather Wells chop to the shins--"

"I didn’t ain "I ain, Sarge? Ripley sorip on e Express? He’s dead?"

"Darumbles "How many times do I have to tell you to keep your fat yap shut?"

"Sorry, Sarge" Turner looks guilty-faced

"What are you two talking about?" I deht told us about the little visit you paid to Ripley earlier today, and the tip you gave him, about how the last person who leaked intel about the prince to the school paper ended up dead," Canavan explains "So we contacted caht want to keep an eye on the kid Unfortunately, the rent-a-cop got there a little late Kid had already been strangled Sorry, Wells Like I said, you’re a shitkicker"