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‘You look absolutely beautiful’
‘Coain, facing him I saw the clock above the door and had a sudden sense of tihtly around s around hihtly entwined I took his hand – the good one – and wrappedthe knuckles as I felt him squeeze mine His body was so familiar to me now I knew it in a way I had never known Patrick’s – its strengths and vulnerabilities, its scars and scents I placed my face so close to his that his features becaan to lose myself in theertips, tears sliding unchecked down ainst his, and all the tieachto so hiainst his so that our breath led and the tears from my eyes became salt on his skin, and I told myself that, somewhere, tiny particles of hiested, sed, alive, perpetual I wanted to press every bit ofinto hiive him every bit of life I felt and force hi without hiht to destroy my life, I wanted to demand of him, but I’m not allowed a say in yours?
But I had promised
So I held him, Will Traynor, ex-City whiz kid, ex-stunt diver, sports, all the while telling him silently that he was loved Oh, but he was loved
I couldn’t say how long we stayed like that I was dimly aware of soft conversation outside, of the shuffle of shoes, a distant church bell ringing in soreat breath, almost a shudder, and he drew his head back just an inch so that we could see each other clearly
I blinked at hiy
‘Clark,’ he said, quietly ‘Can you call my parents in?’
FAO: Director of Public Prosecutions
Confidential Advisory
Re: William John Traynor
Detectives have now interviewed everyone involved in the above case, and I attach files containing all related docuation is Mr Willialey Lewins, based in the City of London Mr Traynor suffered a spinal injury in a road accident in 2007 and had been diagnosed C5/6 quadriplegic with very li 24-hour care His medical history is attached
The papers show that Mr Traynor had been at pains to regularize his legal affairs sometime before his trip to Switzerland We have been forwarded a signed and witnessed statement of intent by his lawyer, Mr Michael Lawler, as well as copies of all relevant docu to his consultations with the clinic beforehand
Mr Traynor’s family and friends had all expressed their opposition to his stated desire to end his life preiven his medical history and previous attempts on his own life (detailed in his attached hospital records), his intellect and strength of character, they were apparently unable to dissuade hiotiated with him specifically for this purpose
It will be noted that one of the beneficiaries of Mr Traynor’s will is his paid feth of her association with Mr Traynor soenerosity towards her, but all parties say they do not wish to contest Mr Traynor’s stated wishes, which are legally docuth several times and police are satisfied that she made every effort to deter Mr Traynor from his intention (please see her ‘calendar of adventures’ included in the evidence)
It should also be noted that Mrs Camilla Traynor, his mother, who has been a respected JP for ht of the publicity surrounding the case It is understood that she and Mr Traynor separated soon after their son’s death
While the use of assisted suicide at foreign clinics is not so by the evidence gathered, it is evident that the actions of Mr Traynor’s fauidelines as laid out relating to assisted suicide and the possible prosecution of those close to the deceased
Mr Traynor was deemed competent and had a ‘voluntary, clear, settled and informed’ wish to make such a decision
There is no evidence of mental illness, or of coercion on any part
Mr Traynor had indicated unequivocally that he wished to commit suicide
Mr Traynor’s disabilistpty was severe and incurable
The actions of those acco Mr Traynor were of only minor assistance or influence
The actions of those acco Mr Traynor may be characterized as reluctant assistance in the face of a determined wish on the part of the victim
All parties involved have offered every assistance to the polistpce investigating this case