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Quinn understood er "It’s easy for you to talk about a rebellion You have nothing at stake You have all this ic, yet you obey Galen and Walsh You can use one of those super ers and call for help for all of us But you hand them over Why should I listen to you?"
"Because, if you think fighting back now is too hard, if I use ic to send for help, you will have no chance at all" I explained about the blood connection "I’est opponents In fact, if you organize a revolt, don’t tell me any of your plans Don’t trust ic and I’est opponent"
Quinn looked a little green, but he nodded
Unfortunately, whatever had distracted Galen stopped after four days Then he launched an aggressive cauards whipped a woman Quinn needed h horrible, was better than the whole clan being in danger After three unsuccessful days, Galen switched to children and I could no longer resist
The links in my chain built rapidly Five days later the shakes started I ignored the initial signs of withdrawal and concentrated on teaching Quinn But once the trearded, I raced to the brig and collapsed on the bed The hunger grew inside s-- distracted ic and I struggled with the desire to pull it toward ranted a moment of clarity and relief when Galen visited He held my orb in one hand His other rested onto do with this?"
Strung out, I couldn’t produce any emotions over his discovery "Suck you and Walsh dry," I said
"In order to siphon ain"
I shrugged "Unoriginal, but it works"
"Walsh and I have stockpiled our blood Drain us now and we’ll just reclai our saved blood Thanks to you, we already knoorks"
"Glad to be of service" At this point sarcasm remained my only weapon
Galen handed ertips Too easy A trap "What if I just drain myself?" I asked
"Go ahead"
A trick In order to siphon ic The effort would finish the chain and he would stop h time for Quinn
"I didn’t think you’d fall for it," Galen said "You’re very resistant It’s a good quality However Walsh is very impatient" He removed his hand