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Spy Glass Maria V Snyder 13850K 2023-09-01

Quinn stared at one insane Perhaps I had, but as much as I wanted to fix this situation, I couldn’t do ityou,her?"

"She’s Walsh’s assistant If I ht?"

He spat in disgust "Especially at night Who do you think is the baby’s father?"

Bile pushed up my throat "Walsh"

Bitterness rolled from Quinn "Give the lady a prize"

Walsh already started the prograician "Did he--"

"He sends a new girl to hts"

"Oh" I didn’t knohat else to say

"Don’t worry He still givesand uards outside h"

"When no one becoone"

"Don’t wait for that tirateful and their families would support you"

"Won’t work We don’t have weapons Walsh’s guards can’t be bribed We can’t get ed you here," he said "Just as screwed and helpless as the rest of us Do you really believe you can fix it?"

"No idea But I’ to try"

Over the next few days, I bidedhot, I created the super ers as ordered Galen seee We experilass, Quinn could produce hot glass as well

I dwelled on the positives Quinn was free of blood ic There had to be a way to capitalize on that He could also ht as I slept in the brig--a large cottage with a couple of locked roouard--I planned out Quinn’s next lesson

I taught Quinn how to thulass container would work, but an orb reminded me of Kade and happier ti oven to cool, I showed hie with the flat side of a diah to cut skin," I said I also instructed hi tactics, and how to spot weaknesses in an opponent