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We finished out the practice ti a front choke hold, an arh I had broken these holds a thousand times, the response to an attack needed to be automatic, almost instinctual, and the only way to achieve that was byrepetition
Nic and Eve filed into HQ with the others to change and report for work Since HQ was across the street from the Council Hall, they trusted me to arrive there without trouble
I picked up , I ambled over to the construction site and stood to the side At this point, there wasn’t much to see Workers shoveled dirt into wheelbarrohich were du ropes to mark future walls
Bored, I turned to leave and a farabbed the handles ofstance
My heart lurched when I aze
"I thought you were in Wirral," I said
He set the wheelbarrow he had been pushing down "I thought I would be, too, but they sent ht of all he had done while addicted to blood h But after I had stolen hishis obsession for power had driven him to do those vile deeds He had saved Zitora’s life and helped in capturing Ulrick and Tricky But still…
"Why are you here?" he asked
The strong features of his face had haunted lance at his powerful build and the scar on his neck had sent me into a panic Those cold, killer eyes had burned into me despite the distance from him
Yet, that same face smiled at me, pleased Hu eyelashes and softened his sharp nose He had pulled his long black hair into a braid Sudden waroodbye kiss
I snapped back to reality "I’ in shape"
"I or"
I debated, and decided to tell hi Councilor Moon"
"As an Adviser?"
"No Her assistant"
I expected him to chuckle at my new job, but the humor dropped from his face "You’re better than that, Opal You should be--"