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After five such visits, I finally discovered a long metal cabinet hidden under a sheet and under piles of boxes Its long draere only a few inches deep--the perfect size for blueprints They were also locked
I pulleda diamond pick and my tension wrench, I unlocked the cabinet Buried beneath detailed or, I found the blueprints for Wirral Each level of the prison had its own sheet I gathered all ten oversize pages and folded them to resemble a stack of papers, which I shoved into a file folder If Finn spottedthe Councilor’s Hall with rolls of paper, my intentions would be obvious
However, it appeared as if Finn had lost interest in or I hadn’t seen hiain, with so my every uard up, determined not to relax
With all the inforrew er place with more privacy
I hadn’t planned to buy it My intentions had been to find an apart with its bright For Sale sign hanging in the , I couldn’t resist
I didn’t need it, didn’t knohat I would do with all that space and equiph explanation as to why I bought it So much had happened there, and I had no fond memories of the place Yet I couldn’t walk away and let soical solass factory Mine noaited for the feelings of panic and buyer’s re was at the end of a long row of stores Its narrow frontthe door, I entered the salesroom Dust-covered shelves lined the walls and display cases dotted the floor All of Gressa’s glass pieces had been sold Since this rooer be used as a store, I e front s
The door into the factory was behind the register The En remained, but the knob turned under lasss bubbled, not because I had worked here before, but because the silent cold kilns and abandoned equipic
I would eventually need to sell the lass sheets hung on the walls, and the clear glass desk, tables and chairs reone
The upstairs aparts However, there was furniture in the six roolass murals Their intricate swirls of color captured and reflected the weak afternoon sunlight Truly talented, Gressa had wasted her gift, letting her ego drive her actions
Cobwebs and dust coated every surface, and the linens would need to be replaced I left s in the one bedroom and spread out my notes and files on the prison in the upstairs office
Living here would take a while to get used to, and I needed to change the locks and buy an extensive list of itee