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Charade Nyrae Dawn 26430K 2023-09-01

Before I head out I stop by Mom’s house She sounded like shit when I talked to her on the phone today I get a knot inher and then I feel like a pussy because I’ I should be able to handle it better than that For her

For some reason, my heart jackhah my hair, which annoys the shit out of , Colton," Maggie says from the kitchen

I ? How’d her appointray hair is tied back in a bun that disappears when she turns to face er to help with the nausea and voainst the table "Fuck"

"Do you kiss yourto ie"

She walks over to me, a sad look in her dark eyes I know this is almost as hard on her as it is me She’s the best friend Mom’s ever had

"How ie?"

"You don’t want to know, Colton"

"And the lease is up in teeks You know they always raise the rent when it’s tin a new lease Hospice will take care of the meds, I’m more worried about rent and bills"

Will she need a new lease? As soon as the thought crosses est prick She will She has to

"Fuck," I ground out again Does it ever stop? Jesus, she’s done nothing but try her whole life She’s been there for me, worked her ass off and when she could have easily left me behind like Dad did She didn’t Not when Dad was in and out of jail Not e ate Top Raets?

"I’ll pick up soie touchesmy time in a stupid classroom today and I should have been with her"

"You know she wants you in the classroo to live her dreams and that’s what onna go in and see her"

Iin bed so still, looking ghost white My heart drops somewhere tobe dead, can she?

"Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to stare?" Mom’s eyes flutter open I let out a heavy breath

"My mom tried to teach me manners, but they didn’t stick so well," I tease as I walk into the room

"Yes they did You just like to pretend they didn’t"

I pull up a chair beside her bed It’s so different when they know you’re dying and they can’t do anything about it No hospitals All there is to do is wait And ?" I’m not in the mood to pretend to be happy

"Happy to seeplans with your friends?" There’s a small smile on her lips, but they’re dry Too dry

I pick up the cup froet a drink" I put the straw by her lass

"I can do it, Colton I don’t like you having to take care of me"

Someone should She deserves it It’s not like she hasn’t done it for others

"I thought I’d hang with you tonight Maybe watch a rab the cup fro it back on the bedside table "You’re not saying with o have fun I’ll still be here to on," I lie

"Liar," she tosses back at me and her attitude does make me sile finger down my arm "You’re too handsome to be so covered up" I open ht I’ll be fine I want you to have fun If you try to stay, I’ll h to know she’s not screwing around "Mom…"


I shake ht?" I push to ut s are in the living room--both with lines behind them, but in one line, everyone has cups and the other, they’re doing keg stands Adrian’s bouncing on his heels beside et irl or two to have h at hi" Adrian holds out his fist and I hit it

"I need a drink" We head through the room I have a flask in my pocket, but I’d rather drink their shit than e is packed with anything we could want to drink