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He crosses his arms and I try not to study his tattoos "I’ot in an arguhtens and he nods Someone walks around us on the sidewalk and I wait until they’re gone until I finish He’s going to want all the answers I know it A guy like hiardless I’ht
"He’s ether forever and I just found out he cheated on me I walked in on it, actually, and I kind of made him think I had another boyfriend to make him jealous So now I need that A boyfriend I mean"
Oh My God My stomach drops out I said it I really put it out there
Colt’s eyes get huge, and he stares at me for what feels like forever He opens histo hear what he’ll say, but it’s not words that cohs Hard Much harder than he did in the coffee house
My face is hot I’er or embarrassment or both
"Very funny, Princess" When he tries to walk away, I grab his arm His corded muscles tense beneathlike that up?"
He stops and studies me I almost want to turn away No one really looks at ure uy, it’s like he’s looking for so I don’t want to be there
"You really are serious, aren’t you? Didn’t I just tell you I’irl? I have airlfriend! It’s a charade Hello? I would figure that much would be obvious" Is he dense, or what?
Colt rasp "And ould I do this? I don’t even know you and I’h Perv "It’s not like I really want you either and I could find someone I like, if I wanted The point is, I don’t"
I’ain Thea fake boyfriend is at the et it," Colt says "Good luck, Princess"
He’s walking away My one chance to save face is walking away, and I can feel
"I’ll pay you!" I say to his back
He freezes Turns By the way his face hardens and his jaw ticks, I can tellanswer I don’t need your money"
And with that, he walks away
I don’t do pity I don’t know or honestly give a shit if that chick is seriously about what she just askedto fly with h honestly, the ardless, it’s not like I would play so on to add a spoiled princess to the stack
Even if she is hot as hell
I’ve always been into girls with dark hair Her skin is a ss that are short, but firm I can definitely picture them wrapped around my waist
Luckily forI don’t do Princesses are high on ood to stick it to Pretty Boy
I hate assholes like hiet ahatever they want He’s a bully and I hate people who throw their weight around like that So I showed him how it felt to be picked on
I walk across the street tossing a look overback and forth as she goes She kno hot she is
Nope This girl isn’t someone I want to screw around with
My cell beeps Its Adrian so I pick it up, knowing he probably has so on that I need "Hey"
"Hey,hohtens after he asks Yeah, I’ve always knoouldn’t amount to shit, but I never saw this for myself It would kill Mom "Depends on how much you need" I only deal in weed so there’s no point in asking what he wants
"An eighth It’s for a friend who stopped by"
"We’re good I’ll be there in a few," I tell hi if this was how stuff started for ot out of control Nah Not hi Mom down I can’t be like that
The next day, I still can’t get over Tattoo Guy Ito hih with it, he didn’t have to be such a jerk about it