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She fell into step with him as they walked back to her car "I didn’t know you had any siblings"
As an only child she’d longed for brothers and sisters growing up Herchildbirth so it had always been just her and her dad Well, except for Edna Her father’s personal assistant had played a big part in her life too
She’d helped Izzy buy her first bra and she’d given her the sex talk when she was fifteen even though by then Izzy already knew everything iave away personal details about his life unless specifically asked So
She hated when people told her their life story within , probably because everyone wanted to tell bartenders about their probleht be a stereotype, but it was one she found to be increasingly true
"I’lanced at him
"You’re an only child?"
"Just me" She pressed the unlock button to her keyless entry as they neared her car "Listen, Adam, you don’t need to followher lips, she suppressed a sear and followed Izzy out of the parking lot The back of her silhouette was outlined by his headlights Not that it mattered He saw her face every time he closed his eyes
The vision of her interrupted his sleep on a nightly basis She usually kept her wild curly hair pulled back at work, but the few ti hair would look and feel like against his skin as she rode hi to alleviate the tension, but nothing worked With her dark brown eyes and high cheekbones, she had al of freckles across her nose only added to the innocent quality about her If it wasn’t for her fair coloring, he would doubt she was even Edward Ballantine’s daughter
Edward He cursed the day he’d ever made that ridiculous deal with him It had seemed so si his true identity Five weeks That was how long his contract was It was icing on the cake if he could convince the rich daughter to return to Savannah, but as long as he did his job and she was safe, he and his brother would land the Forester deal
Not so si out for her certainly wasn’t a chore Unfortunately convincing her to return ho to know her And he still didn’t understand why she orking in a bar barelyends meet when she had a father like Edward Ballantine Her father had been fuzzy on those details, but he planned to find out
And soon
As he steered into the parking lot of her place, he pushed those thoughts away He needed to focus on the present and convince her that Savannah, Georgia, was awasn’t numbered, so he chose a spot next to her By the ti in her car Leaning against his vehicle, he waited until her door finally opened
Sinfully long legs eht It seemed no matter how often he saw her, he still fantasized what it would be like to have those slis wrapped around his waist…and shoulders Da pants He hadn’t even seen a hint of skin and his cock was already raring to go
A shudder racked his body Noas not the tiht tihts He’d been hired to protect her, not drool over her
"Sorry, I was talking to Carolyn" Izzy shut the door behind her
"No probleuess so She wouldn’t tellup tonight" Izzy tucked her phone back in her purse, but kept her keys in hand "Thanks for nored the co, forcing her to follow After what had happened tonight, he alking her to the door Her place was on the second floor, but technically he wasn’t supposed to know that He knew a lot about her that she hadn’t told him Like the fact that she had a bachelor’s in business development, but a master’s in medieval literature
To say the woman was a mystery would be a sore understateht ahead with her hand as they walked down the short sidewalk
"Are you working to?" He already knew the answer, but didn’t want her to know he’d checked her schedule This had to appear ih"
"Do you want to get so primal inside him sparked to life when her eyes flashed with desire
If she was anyone but Edward’s daughter, he had a feeling they’d already be inside her place and naked by now Not because that was his style, but because it was obvious she wanted him as much as he wanted her