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Andrea shook her head and a few o with hi no but he wouldn’t listen

He calledelse I couldn’t understand" She covered her face with her hands

Izzy looked at Adam over Andrea’s head with lifted brows Coconut Bay, Florida, was one of the safest towns in the country One of the reasons she’d moved here in the first place Lately however, there had been a string of late-night sexual assaults And all the women had apparently been taken from various bars It hadn’t been widely publicized, but the local cops had let their boss know to be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary Toby in turn had let the entire staff kno none of the feht

One look at Ada This could have been the guy the cops were looking for A shudder snaked through her at the thought that she’d scared off so the woen Beetle The young woht herself before Izzy helped her into the front seat

She shut the door then turned to Adauy’s license plate?"

He rubbed a hand over his face "Da you hoher "It’s not up for discussion"

Mutely she nodded The gesture wasn’t supposed to be sensuous, but she couldn’t stop the way her legs autoether

What was that all about anyway? A si She slid into the front seat and turned the ignition Immediately a blast of fresh air hit her face

March in Florida wasn’t particularly warm, but the humidity was killer so she was thankful that at least her air conditioning worked She glanced at Andrea, who looked dangerously close to passing out "What’s your address?"

"Huh?" The girl’s head snapped up and she blinked a few tiht" She rattled off an apartment coainst the headrest Izzy was thankful she knehere the place was because she didn’t have a GPS in her vehicle

When she finally steered into the coht behind her With his assistance she helped hiht of stairs

Izzy knocked once while Adaled at the back of her brain The girl was ridiculously intoxicated, but she hadn’t had thatpeople off before they got wasted And she’d paid attention tonight Neither she nor Adaet out her keys, the door swung open A blonde whouessed to be in her early twenties answered the door wearing ablue-and-white pajama set

"Oh my God! Andrea!" She hooked her arm under her friend’s armpit to steady her "Givethem a moment of privacy

"I called the cops on the way over here," Adaet the plate nuuy they’re looking for"

Why hadn’t she thought of that? Before she could reply, the other girl reappeared "Thank you so ’s right?" At Izzy’s nod, the girl continued, "What happened to her?"

"She said her friend left her to hook up with soirl raked a hand through her sleep-tangled hair "Sorry Andrea has been hanging out with this new girl she met in her che like this has happened Although it is the first time I’ve seen her so drunk"

"She doesn’t drink irl shook her head "No, never I’ve lived with her for three years and I’ve never seen her like this"

"You ht want to take her to the hospital and have the to Mad Dog’s, so because she only had a couple beers If sos in her drink, I don’t know that there’s anything a doctor can do about it, but it can’t hurt to get her checked out," Ada her hoht have happened to her"

As the door shut, Izzy turned to Ada her to the hospital?"

He shrugged "My brother-in-law is a cop"