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"You express yourself through written words You’re a writer"
"And a daood one," Nathaniel added
The corner of Cole’s rin "I know I’ve read her blog"
"You have?" I nearly squeaked, and then remembered where I was and composed myself "I mean, you have, Sir?"
He chuckled "Yes And you shouldn’t de"
"Thank you, Sir I’ll try to remember that" I wanted to return the praise "I’ based on your time in India, Sir"
All traces of joviality left his expression, and darkness covered his face I wasn’t sure what I had said to upset him, but noished I hadn’t spoken at all
"It was a unique experience," he finally said
"It’s a unique country," I said
"Yes There are parts that are breathtakingly beautiful and I met some incredible people But I think--" He looked pained "I think I won’t be going back"
I was momentarily stunned, since his articles seemed filled with a real love for India, but fortunately I was saved fro, aard silences by the appearance of Jeff and Dena
"There you guys are," Dena said She was holding hands with Jeff, and they both looked so happy I couldn’t help s with them I spared a quick look back at Cole, but whatever had upset hioing on?" Cole asked
Dena spotted Daniel and Julie in the hallway and waved the the sa," Cole said
Dena looked so excited I wouldn’t have been surprised if she started bouncing up and down "We set a date!" she finally said
"A date for what?" Cole asked, and Dena’s smile temporarily deflated Nathaniel thuratulations!"
"I love weddings," I said "Tell us when it is"
Jeff replied with a date less than two months away
Dena held up her hands as we all started speaking at once "I know it’s short notice, but it’ll be s the justice of the peace do it, but since our collaring cereht better of it"
Jeff slipped his ar for a private cereo for your idea," Daniel said "I’ve been waiting on this day"
"But if she had," Jeff said, "we’d be married already"
"There is that," Daniel said
Dena had stayed with us at our Ha for his ter threats from a stalker, we’d offered for her to stay with us She was a prosecutor and her father was a pro her That was all in the past now, but Dena and I had beco the weeks she’d stayed with us and I knew exactly how happy she was to beJeff