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I didn’t know Jeff quite as well, but I’d actually s I picked up on was an underlying sadness about hiazed down at the wo, love

It ic for the early days ofwas so new and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other Of course, we still didn’t want to, but it was harder to find time to ourselves I hoped the move to Delaould mean el," Jeff said, "didn’t you want to talk to Abby and Julie privately?"

"Yes, as long as it’s okay with Masters West and Covington"

"Of course," Daniel said, dropping a kiss on Julie’s cheek "Don’t stay away too long I have a new toy"

The brunette’s eyes lit up "Yes, Master"

"I don’t have a new toy," Nathaniel whispered in my ear "I just want to fuck you"

My knees almost turned to jelly "Yes, Master"

"Hurry back to me," he said

I would I definitely would

Dena took us up the stairs to the sed to Willia The lack of furniture andled me to believe he lived alone

"I wanted to wait until Sasha was here, too," Dena said "But I’uys and will catch up with Sasha later"

"Everything’s okay, right?" I asked

Her eyes lit up, and I swore she was so excited they sparkled "Everything’s great I’nant"

Julie’s hand flew to her mouth, and tears filled e She had toldwith us I had been fortunate, both nancies were trouble free and full ternancy would be following a htened She positively glowed

"I thought it was strange you didn’t have a corset on tonight," Julie said, and then pulled the y blonde into a hug

Dena smoothed a hand over her short skirt and cropped shirt "Yes, this isn’t oing into storage for the next eight months"

"What does Jeff think?" I asked

"Jeff’s coht Moon tohadn’t developed yet, but he said since no one knew exactly when it did, there was no haret allNathaniel with our kids

Dena nodded "There is nothing hotter, that’s for sure We haven’t publicly announced anything yet, so please don’t tell anyone I had to tell you guys, because, well, I just did"

"How are you doing?" Julie asked

"Scared to death," Dena said with a tight laugh "Trying to relax, but going crazy with each ache, pain, and craives the best back rubs But I know it’s hard for hiine so," I said