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She shook her head, glancing at Marsh "Still, you don’t kno lucky you are, having Kelsier as a brother"

"I suppose," Marsh said "I justwish he wouldn’t treat people like playthings I’ve been known to kill obligators, butmen just because they’re noble…" Marsh shook his head "It’s not just that, either He likes people to fawn over him"

He had a point However, Vin also detected so in his voice Jealousy? You’re the older brother, Marsh You were the responsible one--you joined the rebellion instead of working with thieves It must have hurt that Kelsier was the one everybody liked

"Still," Marsh said, "he’s getting better The Pits changed hied hihtly There was definitely so here, too Hurt Deep hurt, more than a man should feel for a sister-in-law

So that’s it It wasn’t just "everyone" who liked Kelsier more, it was one person in particular Sorowing ance of the past is behind him This plan of his is insane, and I’ it just so he can enrich hio to the rebellion He’s trying to do soet hi if you’re so sure he’ll fail?"

"Because he’s going to get ather there will help the rebellion for centuries after Kelsier and I are dead"

Vin nodded, glancing down at the courtyard She spoke hesitantly "Marsh, I don’t think it’s all behind hi hi to look at him…"

"I know," Marsh said "It started with that ‘Eleventh Metal’ scheme of his I don’t know that we have to worry-- this is just Kell playing his usual ga on this trip," Vin said "He’ll be away froood month"

Marsh shook his head "He’ll have an entire aret out of the city His reputation is growing too unwieldy, and the nobility is becoot out that awith Lord Renoux…"

Vin nodded, understanding

"Right now," Marsh said, "he’s playing the part of one of Renoux’s distant relatives That man has to leave before soets back, he’ll have to keep a low profile--sneaking into thehis hood up when he’s in Luthadel"

Marsh trailed off, then stood "Anyway, I’ve given you the basics Now you just need to practice Whenever you’re with Mistings, have them burn for you and focus on their Alloain, I’ll show youelse I can do until you’ve practiced"

Vin nodded, and Marsh walked out the door without any other farewell A few ain

They really don’t hate each other, Vin thought, resting with both ar What would that be like? After sos was a little like the Allo for--they were just too unfamiliar for her to understand at the es shall be not a man, but a force No nationto none, not even himself"


KELSIER SAT QUIETLY, READING AS his boatthe canal to the north Sometimes, I worry that I’m not the hero everyone thinks I am, the text said

What proof do we have? The words ofdead, only now deemed divinatory? Even if we accept the prophecies, only tenuous interpretation links them to me Is my defense of the Summer Hill really the "Burden by which the Hero shall be dubbed"? My several s," if you look at it the right way There are dozens of similar phrases that could refer to events in ain, they could all just be coincidences

The philosophers assure ns have beenman So many people depend on me They say I will hold the future of the entire world on my arms What would they think if they knew that their chaes, their savior--doubted himself?

Perhaps they wouldn’t be shocked at all In a way, this is orries me most Maybe, in their hearts, they wonder--just like I do When they see me, do they see a liar?

Rashek seems to think so I know that I shouldn’t let a simple packman perturb inated If anyone could spot a fraud, would it not be he?

Nevertheless, I continue uries proclai Rashek’s eyes on