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"I see that you already think like one of theirl--in fact, very, very few people are And, despite what your kind likes to think, nor that therather than a Coinshot could very easily save your life"

"All right," Vin said

"Bronze will also help you identify Mistborn," Marsh said "If you see so Allomancy when there is no S off Allomantic pulses, then you know that they are Mistborn--either that, or they’re an Inquisitor In either case, you should run"

Vin nodded silently, the wound in her side throbbing slightly

"There are great advantages to burning bronze, rather than just running around with your copper on True, you S copper--but in a way you also blind yourself Copperyour eood thing"

Marsh cocked his head slightly "Oh? And ould be the greater advantage? Being inorant of-- so--fro to suppress?"

Vin paused "You can see so that specific?"

Marsh nodded "With care and practice, you can recognize very s You can identify precisely which parts of a person’s emotions a Soother or Rioter intends to influence You’ll also be able to tell when soht even be able to tell when they’re running low on ht

"You begin to see the advantage," Marsh said "Good Now burn bronze"

Vin did so Is in the air The soundless pulses washed over her, like the beating of drus of ocean waves They were mixed and muddled

"What do you sense?" Marsh asked

"I… think there are two differentfro from you"

"Good," Marsh said appreciatively "You’ve practiced"

"Not much," Vin admitted

He cocked an eyebrow "Not ins That takes practice"

Vin shrugged "It seems natural to me"

Marsh was still for a moment "Very well," he eventually said "Are the two pulses different?"

Vin concentrated, frowning

"Close your eyes," Marsh said "Remove other distractions Focus only on the Allo--not really She had to concentrate to distinguish anything specific about the pulses One felt…like it was beating against her The other, in a strange sensation, felt like it was actually pulling her toward it with each beat

"One’s a Pullingher eyes "That one’s Kelsier You’re Pushing"

"Very good," Marsh said "He is burning iron, as I asked hi bronze"

"Do they all do that?" Vin asked "Feel distinct, Inature Actually, that’s how soories It isn’t intuitive, for instance, that tin Pulls while pewter Pushes I didn’t tell you to open your eyes"

Vin shut them

"Focus on the pulses," Marsh said "Try and distinguish their lengths Can you tell the difference between them?"

Vin frowned She focused as hard as she could, but her sense of the ths of the separate pulses still see," she said, dejected

"Good," Marsh said flatly "It took ths--if you’d done it on the first try, I’d have felt incompetent"

Vin opened her eyes "Why ask me to do it, then?"

"Because you need to practice If you can tell Pullingmetals already…well, you apparently have talent Perhaps asabout"

"What was I supposed to see, then?" Vin asked

"Eventually, you’ll be able to sense two different pulse lengths Internal er pulses than external metals, like iron and steel Practice will also let you sense the three patterns within the pulses: one for the physical reater roup, and Push-Pull variance--once you know these three things, you will be able to tell exactly which ainst you and has a quick pattern will be pewter--the internal Pushing physical metal"

"Why the names?" Vin asked "External and internal?"

"Metals coht do Two external metals, two internal metals--one each that Pushes, one each that Pulls With iron, you Pull on so outside of yourself With tin you Pull on so inside of yourself"

"But, bronze and copper," Vin said "Kelsier called them internal s Copper keeps people fro when you use Allomancy"

Marsh shook his head "Copper doesn’t change your opponents, it changes so within yourself that has an effect on your opponents That’s why it is an internal metal Brass, however, alters another person’s emotions directly--and is an external htfully Then she turned, glancing toward Kelsier "You know a lot about all the ht?"

Marsh nodded He didn’t look like he intended to respond, though