Page 59 (1/2)
Renoux nodded "Ostensibly, we’re sending this all via canal barges to es will stop to drop off supplies--and es and a few men will continue on to keep up appearances"
"Our soldiers don’t even know that Renoux is in on the plan," Kelsier said, s Besides, this will be a great opportunity for us to go and inspect the army After a week or so at the caves, we can return to Luthadel on one of Renoux’s barges co east"
Vin paused " ‘We’?" she asked, suddenly i the same, dull scenery day, after day, after day as they traveled That would be even worse than traveling back and forth between Luthadel and Fellise
Kelsier raised an eyebrow "You sound worried Apparently, so to enjoy her balls and parties"
Vin flushed "I just thought that I should be here Isick, I--"
Kelsier held up his hand, chuckling "You’re staying; Yeden and I are the ones going I need to inspect the troops, and Yeden is going to take a turn watching over the army so that Ham can come back to Luthadel We’ll also take my brother with us, then drop him at his insertion point with the Ministry acolytes up in Vennias It’s a good thing you’re back--I want you to spend a little time with him before we leave"
Vin frowned "With Marsh?"
Kelsier nodded "He’s a Misting Seeker Bronze is one of the less useful metals, especially for a full Mistborn, but Marsh claims he can show you a few tricks This will probably be your last chance to train with hi caravan "Where is he?"
Kelsier frowned "He’s late"
Runs in the fauess
"He should be here soon, child," Lord Renoux said "Perhaps you’d like to go take some refreshment inside?"
I’ve had plenty of refresh her annoyance Instead of going into the oods and workers, ere packing the supplies onto carts for transport to the local canal docks The grounds were kept well h the ash hadn’t been cleaned up yet, the low-cut grass meant that she didn’t have to hold her dress up
Beyond that, ash was surprisingly easy to get out of clothing With proper washing, and soarment could be rendered clean of ash That hy the nobility could always have new-looking clothing It was such an easy, si to divide the skaa and the aristocracy
Kelsier’s right, Vin thought I a a noblewoes her new lifestyle was encouraging inside of her Once, her probles--now they were things like extended carriage rides and companions who arrived late for appointments What did a transforhed to herself, walking amidst the supplies Some of the boxes would be filled eapons--swords, war staves, bows--but the bulk of thean arrain than it did steel
She trailed her fingers along one stack of boxes, careful not to brush the ash that was on top of thee this day, but she hadn’t expected Kelsier to go with it Of course, he probably hadn’t o until a short time before--even the new, more responsible Kelsier was an iood attribute in a leader He wasn’t afraid to incorporate new ideas, no matter when they occurred to hiht idly I’ve been playing the noblewoht herself sitting straight-backed in her carriage with a prim posture, despite the fact that she was alone She feared that she was losing her instincts--being Valette was al Vin was
But of course she couldn’t leave She had a lunch appoint ball--it was going to be the social event of the month If Valette was absent, it would take weeks to repair the daet about her if she disappeared again
He’s already forgotten you, she told herself He’s barely spoken to you during the last three parties Keep your head on, Vin This is all just another sca your reputation to gain information, not so that you can flirt and play
She nodded to herself, resolute To her side, a few skaabeside a large stack of boxes and watching theto Dockson, the ar ood--assu it didn’t spread too far
She watched the pack… odd They seemed unfocused After a few moments, she was able to deter looks at Kelsier, whispering as they worked Vin inched closer--keeping to the side of the boxes--and burned tin
"no, that’s him for certain," one of the men whispered "I saw the scars"
"He’s tall," another said
"Of course he is What did you expect?"
"He spoke at thewhere I was recruited," another said "The Survivor of Hathsin" There e in his tone
The atherthe workers, listening Not all of the number were She also heard a number of references to the "Eleventh Metal"