Page 26 (1/2)

Eventide Elle Jasper 26770K 2023-08-31

A cold, wet hand closes overoff my air Its body is close to me now, too close to pokeand shove roin, I do it once more, and it finally howls, turns my throat loose, and stuh the air, followed by a heavy thu bumps the toe of my boot

"Torch on, Ms Maspeth," Gabriel says directly over my shoulder "Now"

Immediately, I flip on my torch and point it down

The head of a Jodis lies atfrom its neck cavity

Gabriel pushes pastHe stops at the kitchen, looks in, and crosses hiives what once was an innocent woman her last rites

I know the verse by heart now I’ve heard it scores of times over the last year

With God, find peace hereafter

I can do little but breathe I feel ainst the wall and swear

Gabriel holds my chin and lifts it up I squeeze odda, the monster beats me

"Open your eyes, Ms Maspeth," he says quietly "We have bodies to dispose of"

"Riley? Wake up"

I feel a tight grasp aroundshaken I toss lance around I’ ata foot away All eyes are on me

"What the hell is this?" I say, and back away frooff water "Dah, Scotland That apart

"I’m sorry," Sydney says "I honestly didn’t think…I didn’t believe it could happen"

I shake my head "Well it did But don’t worry about it," I say, feeling like someone who has just told a kid there’s no Santa Claus "No probleuy of the group, whonize as Gabriel, says "Your blood survived three strigoi?"

"I don’t have norin with," I offer "And if you touch h that ," I say, and incline my head

Gabriel’s smile isn’t very noticeable, but it’s there He simply nods "Another time, lance at Eli "What’s going on?"

"My na woman says She maintains her distance, which I sincerely appreciate I’ht now "We"--she glances at the man beside her--"we need your help"

"All of us," Sydney adds

I exhale and glance at Eli "Again What’s going on?"

Eli inclines his head to the sofa near the hearth "Sit"

With a quick glance at the sathered, I concede I sit

And wait

Part Seven