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Well, me and the other four Druthans
My vision blurs as I stare at the la down A few o Until then, I’ll catch you up to speed on things, to where my life is now Maybe, you’ll understand
I’ll spare you a long, boring history of e Ao to James and Lucinda Maspeth They narew up on the Outer Banks of North Carolina I went to UNC, graduated with a BS in education, and started teaching first grade in Kitty Hawk I frequented the spa I got ed one May afternoon when Gabriel--an i wall of sheer muscle clothed in head-to-toe black--walked easily intopapers, pulled me out of y, slipped a silver blade into my heart
I died in his arms
I awakened sometime later--weeks later, actually--in his bed He sat in a dark alcove, watching et that first brooding, profound stare To me it sums up his entire character Silent power barely checked
In aaccent, he told one, and that I was now i through the transformation and was very weak Then he stood, tossed a newspaper on the bed besideI learned pretty fast about Gabriel--he speaks very little, but when he does, it’s potent
The newspaper proved to be one froe, and as I thu back ata few pounds from the pocket above my knee, I put down a tip, nod to Seth who sh the small crowd The rain is only a drizzle now, and Gabriel is probably waiting for me At the doorway, I slip my arms into my black trench coat, button it up, and put on a black skully and scarf Funny I go from sandals, French ues, boots, and a trench coat I look like goddaranny would washto let her
I step out into the cool night air and start down the sidewalk, and before I can walk ten feet, sorabs my arm
"Just a ht and build, with dark, close-clipped hair and wide blue eyes He gives rin "Sorry I, uh, well, onderin’ if you, ya know?" He glances at his feet and ain "I tried to get your attention back there" He inclines his head toward Niddry’s "I’m Sean I, eh, don’t e and aze fully--"well you looked nice to talk to, is all"
I et over how charht in Sean’s is a bit thicker than the Edinburgh burr Glasgow,like a fool and battingAnd blessedly ordinary But I’irl
Sean can’t handlehim off, I stick out my hand I can’t date him, but a friendly face every now and then in Niddry’s can’t hurt I smile "Sydney, and it’s nice to meet you"
He smiles and shakes my hand "Och, an American" He nods toward Niddry’s "Do you care to step back in? I would have coers close around aze rises above my head, directly behind me
"She’s with lances at rasp the newcos, and returns the sht See ya then, Sydney" He turns and walks back to Niddry’s
Gabriel turns me around, pulls me close and lowers his ainst e ers he opens my trench coat and eases my blade from his to my hip Those mercury eyes never leavethe Druthan silver to the loops on o"
He turns and heads up the sidewalk, and I’h no one notices but me I’ve spent nearly an entire year in his daily coestures, his habits, and I knohen he is on high alert, when his body is on edge Like now
We wind our way through the streets of Old Town The castle is lit and stands for, when I was learning every street, every close, every pub, club, business, and landuide, a beacon It still does
And I no the streets of Edinburgh like the back of h with each step, and I button just the top ofthe last two undone If I need to withdraeapon, it has to be fast I have to be ready Always ready…
We’re on the outskirts of Old To, and Gabriel takes a turn left and eases down a set of cracked stone steps, between the tight-knit quarters of Pippin’s Close It’s cold, gray, and deserted Not derelict, just empty No one lives here now
No one, except the dead