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The delicate china felt warreen tea In this very hot weather? It was so like Granduests hot drinks, no matter the weather

Chandra Chandler stared long and hard at the light stea fro, though, before she lost herself in her own thoughts again Instantly, she felt that dull pain piercing deep within her heart and the absence and loneliness after losing her beloved Grandma Lin

It will get better, she reminded herself It will

“Chan, dear?”

Chandra jolted back to reality when she heard the soft, gentle voice calling her the naiven her Chan, pronounced Chun, which was a shorten version of Chandra, pronounced Chun-druh, Grandma Lin had told her when she’d been a child meant “the moon” in Cambodian The old wo the full ht

“I’ across from her

Grandhtenht-brown ones

“You’ve just lost another loved one,” she said There was a hint of Khmer accent within her speech that Chan didn’t miss

Chan gave Grandhtly to the cup of tea Yes, she’d just lost another loved one It was her grandmother from her mother’s side of the faentle ninety-year-old woe

There were only the three of theer sisters, Dara and Soriya, who happened to be na to the time of their births as well The second sister Dara’s name meant the star, because she’d been born in the early dahen the star of Venus was shining bright aest sister Soriya’smidafternoon when the sun had been at its warmest and most brilliant

To be frank, the girls had been orphaned since both their parents had died many years before Grandma Lin Their mom passed away froe drunk drivers when she was seventeen

“I’ you first, Grandrandmother’s best friend “She asked me to come and see you She was quite persistent” She chuckled a little at the reminder of Grandreen tea The warhed pleasantly

“It must be very hard for you and your sisters,” Grandma Su said “Lin was hed “But for you, ently on top of Chan’s, a gesture of comfort

“It’s hard,” Chan said, bowing her head “But I am determined to move on”

“Lin would be proud of you,” Granders under Chan’s chin, which surprised her, and urged the young wohtly so she could look at her properly

Chan blinked, wondering why Grand her face so intensely The old wo at her sht nose, plump lips, and chin

“A beautiful face,” she said “You’ve bloohteen You bloomed at twenty-five”

Chan had to chuckle at Grandma Su’s re about She knew for certain she didn’t have a beautiful face, nor had she ever bloomed She didn’t think she would ever bloom at all if she were a flower And of course, she wasn’t yet twenty-five, not until next month

“A mix of yellow and white,” Grandma

Su said “A lovely cherry blossom”

At this point, Chan couldn’t really help herself and had to ask, “What are you talking about?”

“Hush, dear, I a your face,” Grandma Su said “Ah, phoenix eyes and a beautiful nose”

Chan chuckled “Thanks, I think,” she said She didn’t think her nose was ever beautiful

“You’re entering a new phase in your life,” Grandma Su said with a note of concern “It seees”

“Challenges?” Chan asked, her heart skipping a few beats