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STELLA ZAMBRANO FELT as if she was sitting outside the principal’s office, knowing she was in trouble without a clue as to why All she could do ait and try not to think the worst

The ned to impress and to intis wereintricate old-framed portraits of the De Santis predecessors—princes, military leaders, powerful men

San Felipe, a famed island principality in the heart of the Mediterranean, was currently ruled by Crown Prince Antonio De Santis Austere, yet beloved, and devoted to duty, Antonio was aided by his charer brother, Eduardo The public face of San Felipe, risk-taking, suave Prince Eduardo alle-handedly kept the tourism industry afloat

The most recent portrait in the vast roo side by side in fullon the wall directly opposite, do Stella’s field of vision She opted to stare at the floor The sweat on her back iced She desperately hoped the Princes were not present in the palace today

‘Lieutenant Zambrano?’

She looked up as her name was called

‘The General will see you now’


Stella searched the Captain’s face for clues, but saw that if he were any more expressionless he’d be dead She was unco her sharply pressed ht-blue trousers and a starched white shirt, topped with her gold-tri, her ribbons iht on her shoulder Instead she earing sweat-stained fatigues and muddied boots

She’d just finished her eant had appeared and said it was urgent and that she didn’t have tiht from the base to the palace, where the General of San Felipe’s army had his official quarters

Now she felt conscious of the rime on her face But perhaps the General would overlook her untidy appearance Perhaps this suive her the overseasfor

But the unnatural silence spiralling in the waiting room warned her differently This call was too soon after her last rejection Too unexpected And the carefully blank faces of the civilian staff present The way they wouldn’t look her in the eye

Slimy snakes of doubt slid down her spine

‘Lieutenant?’ the Captain repeated sharply